วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Guant?namo authorities 'planning Ramadan force-feeding factory'


legal filing says the project to continue to feed at night during the holy month will be dangerous for the health of prisoners

lawyers representing four detainees on hunger strike at Guantanamo have accused the U.S. government is preparing to make a "factory feeding" in the camp during the holy month of Ramadan.

In a new court filing submitted in federal court in Washington, lawyers for the men say that the meals during Ramadan lead to a massive use of restraint chairs, require hundreds of employees to manage and could be dangerous to the health of prisoners. "If it can still be achieved, Guantanamo Bay facility will become a real booster," the lawyers wrote.

In response to the legal challenges before the U.S. government has refused to suspend forced through tubes directly into the stomach of detainees during Ramadan diet. About 45,106 men of all are currently on hunger strike are fed enterally it.

The government defends the practice, saying it is "human medical care and high quality in order to preserve life and health." When Ramadan begins Monday respects fasting during the day if possible, and the force of power must be performed before sunrise or after sunset. However, the government added a condition, which implies that the forced feeding during the day may be necessary, taking into account "any situation unforeseen emergency or operational issues. "

The hunger strike began in February in protest against the legal vacuum in which most of the 166 Guantanamo detainees are in and against the failure of President Obama to fulfill his promise of 2008 close to the field. In May, Obama said he would redouble efforts to close Guantanamo down, lamenting that he had "become a global symbol of an America that mocks the rule of law."

The four strikers appeal to a U.S. court for the District of Columbia prohibit the feeding at Guantanamo in general and especially during Ramadan. His lawyers argue that the practice extends indefinite detention, which is itself a violation of human rights.

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