วันจันทร์ที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

Bo Xilai reveals dramatic tale of punch-ups and marriage split

Chinese political rejects accusation of embezzlement but admits breakdown in relations on the third day of the event

charge fell Bo Xilai dramatic peak until the third day closed on Saturday, when he confronted Bo Wang Lijun, his former second in command of the history of murder and intrigue that precipitated his downfall.

Wang, 53, a police captain in the southwestern Chongqing Municipality, while Bo was the leader of the Communist party, the court revealed new details about the consequences of a murder November 2011, which broke the two apart. Bo Gu Kailai woman poisoned British businessman Neil Heywood in a hotel in Chongqing on a real estate deal gone bad, and Wang, fearing reprisals from Bo for his research on the case, fled to the U.S. consulate. UU. in a nearby town in search of political asylum.

Bo, 64, is on trial in Jinan, capital of the coastal province of Shandong, on charges of corruption, embezzlement and abuse of power. The charismatic former minister of Commerce, once considered a contender for some of the key political positions in China, has maintained an attitude of courage challenge over the past three days, refusing categorically that most central costs of the prosecution. The trial enters its fourth day Sunday.

Wang told the court that he had informed the assassination Bo Bo January 28, 2012 and reached their investigation of the case by the agents of intimidating subordinates. "It was very dangerous at that time," he said. "I first experienced violence, the staff around me and the investigators in the case have disappeared." Not only is a witness.'m a victim of Bo Xilai case. "

last year, Wang, once known for its erratic professional behavior, often terrifying - would have appreciated autopsies staff - was sentenced to 15 years in prison on charges of abuse of power, desertion and taking bribes. Gu serving a suspended death sentence for the murder of Heywood.

In court, said Gu Bo Heywood said he had died of a heart attack after drinking in excess and that Wang had fabricated the story to fit his murder. At first it was believed that his wife ".? Thought Gu Kailai is a fragile woman, who could not kill, and their relationship was very good Wang Lijun How this issue could be released soon"

Wang was not the only surprise of the day. Bo also revealed details of his dysfunctional family life - he was separated from his wife a year -. And admitted to having an affair

Gu was furious when he learned, he said, and left with his son, Bo Guagua, now studying at Columbia Law School in New York. "She just decided Bo Guagua to go to a foreign school and went" Bo said. Their marriage never recovered.

Find best price for : --Xilai----Beijing----School----Columbia----Heywood----Chongqing----Wang--

วันจันทร์ที่ 15 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

David Cameron urged to raise human rights with Burma's Thein Sein

activists want the Prime Minister to release the former military chief on violence against Muslims in Burma

David Cameron is under pressure to raise human rights in negotiations Monday with Burmese President Thein Sein, the country's first leader to visit Britain for over a quarter century.

Thein Sein should talk trade, aid and democracy with Cameron and his ministers during a two-day visit at a time when Burma opens its telecommunications, oil and gas and for investors foreigners.

Thein Sein, a former military commander, the West wants to help the economy of Burma to recover from decades of military dictatorship, the Soviet-type planning and international sanctions.

Western leaders have praised him to end the house arrest of Aung San Suu Kyi, the release of some political prisoners, and allow the opposition to participate in a election.

But they want to release the grip of the army before the presidential elections of 2015, the British-educated Suu Kyi is expected to contest. Suu Kyi, a Nobel laureate, visited Britain last year.

At least 237 people have died in Burma of religious violence in the past year and about 150,000 have been displaced. Most of the victims were Muslim Rohingya, according to the UN.

Find best price for : --Sein----Cameron----Thein--

วันจันทร์ที่ 8 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

John Kerry's wife Teresa Heinz Kerry taken to hospital in Massachusetts

spokesman for the hospital said 74-year-old in critical but stable

John Kerry's wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, was transported by ambulance to a hospital on the island of Nantucket Massachusetts on Sunday with unspecified medical condition.

A spokesman for the hospital, Noah Brown said 74-year-old Heinz Kerry reached the ground in critical condition, and remains, although it has stabilized.

Kerry and his wife have traveled extensively in Nantucket, an island about 30 miles off the southern coast of Cape Cod, where many wealthy Americans - executives and managers of hedge funds to heirs of fortunes New England - have summer homes.

Find best price for : --John----Kerry----Massachusetts----Heinz----Teresa--

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Guant?namo authorities 'planning Ramadan force-feeding factory'


legal filing says the project to continue to feed at night during the holy month will be dangerous for the health of prisoners

lawyers representing four detainees on hunger strike at Guantanamo have accused the U.S. government is preparing to make a "factory feeding" in the camp during the holy month of Ramadan.

In a new court filing submitted in federal court in Washington, lawyers for the men say that the meals during Ramadan lead to a massive use of restraint chairs, require hundreds of employees to manage and could be dangerous to the health of prisoners. "If it can still be achieved, Guantanamo Bay facility will become a real booster," the lawyers wrote.

In response to the legal challenges before the U.S. government has refused to suspend forced through tubes directly into the stomach of detainees during Ramadan diet. About 45,106 men of all are currently on hunger strike are fed enterally it.

The government defends the practice, saying it is "human medical care and high quality in order to preserve life and health." When Ramadan begins Monday respects fasting during the day if possible, and the force of power must be performed before sunrise or after sunset. However, the government added a condition, which implies that the forced feeding during the day may be necessary, taking into account "any situation unforeseen emergency or operational issues. "

The hunger strike began in February in protest against the legal vacuum in which most of the 166 Guantanamo detainees are in and against the failure of President Obama to fulfill his promise of 2008 close to the field. In May, Obama said he would redouble efforts to close Guantanamo down, lamenting that he had "become a global symbol of an America that mocks the rule of law."

The four strikers appeal to a U.S. court for the District of Columbia prohibit the feeding at Guantanamo in general and especially during Ramadan. His lawyers argue that the practice extends indefinite detention, which is itself a violation of human rights.

Find best price for : --Ramadan----Columbia----Hadjarab----Nabil----Ahmed----Shaker----Guant?namo--

วันพุธที่ 12 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Egypt convicts US NGO workers

Sixteen Americans - including Transportation Secretary Sam LaHood son - from 43 persons guilty of receiving funds from abroad

A Cairo criminal court sentenced 43 NGO workers, including at least 16 Americans, to operate without a license and receiving foreign funds. The case has caused international outrage, acidification relationships between Egypt and the United States, and the inflamed inner fears about the possibility of foreign funds to influence political affairs.

Twenty-seven of the defendants, who were tried in absentia, were sentenced to prison terms of five years. Eleven of those who attended the trial received sentences of one year and five received two years. The judge also ruled that Makram Awad non-governmental organizations working for the accused must be closed in Egypt.

most Americans - including Sam LaHood, son of U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood - had already left the country. LaHood received a sentence of five years.

The case dates back to December 2011, when police carried out 17 armed NGO offices in Cairo raids, arresting employees and equipment seized. Forty-three employees of organizations such as the National Democratic Institute and funded by the U.S. government (NDI) and Freedom House, were eventually prosecuted for illegally in Egypt.

According to Egyptian law, NGOs must be officially registered with the government. However, critics argue that the law is ambiguous. According to Article 5 of this law governing civil society organizations that do not receive a reply to your registration within 60 days are considered legal.

As the judge delivered his verdict, shocked cries were heard in the room. Speaking on Tuesday, the defendants told the guard they were sure that there was no legal basis for the lawsuit.

arrests in December 2011 soured relations between the governments of Egypt and America, and NGO staff pictures appear in court in an iron cage, attracted criticism from Western governments groups and civil society.

There was no immediate comment from Washington's decision Tuesday, but is likely to be met with dismay by the Obama administration.

Find best price for : --Egypt----Mohamed----Osman----Rafat----Cairo----LaHood--

วันเสาร์ที่ 16 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Mission to the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah – in pictures

Photojournalist Jim Urquhart

documents a team of space scientists who use the Utah desert as a test for future missions to Mars

Find best price for : --Utah--

Ringfenced school sport investment welcomed by Olympic athletes


comes after Michael Gove has been forced to accept the money should go to sports in primary schools

a long deferral ? 150m sport in primary school, announced Saturday, was well received by Olympic athletes such as Mo Farah and Jessica Ennis after Education Secretary Michael Gove was forced to accept that the money must be reserved.

sports governing bodies such as the Football Association, the Rugby Football Union and the Lawn Tennis Association coaches should improve their links with primary schools in the system. Premier League clubs are also committed to the training and experience.

one long-standing dispute between the Ministry of Health, which is ? 60m per year in the new plan and insisted that the money be set aside for sport, and the Ministry of Education, which will invest 80 million pounds and the directors wanted to be free to decide how to spend it, was resolved in favor of the Ministry of Health.

But individual primary schools still have the freedom to decide whether to spend money on foreign coaches, teacher training or equipment. The financing consists of a lump sum by the school with a top per student, while a school with 250 students, for example, will receive ? 9,250 per year.

However, investments always promised does not already invested ? 162m in a national network of school sports associations, which was dismantled by Gove, in December 2010. A protest forced a partial reversal, but promised to fund ? 65m permission for a day of physical education specialists in primary schools is on in July.

The decision to eliminate school sports association, less than two years before London hosted the Olympic Games won on the grounds that it would "inspire a generation", was severely criticized by leaders sports, teachers and athletes.

Lord Coe, chairman of London 2012 legacy head of government, and the health secretary, Jeremy Hunt has insisted that the money should be allocated to primary schools and reserved for this was spent only sport. Gove wants to keep his principle to allow schools to decide how to spend their budget, but was persuaded to give up.

Cameron said: "With this new approach to the sport, we can create a culture in our schools that encourages all children to be active and enjoy the sport, and promotes the aspirations of future Olympic and Paralympic athletes. "

Hunt said the new strategy would help address the growing crisis of obesity among primary school children and help encourage healthy habits.

"I want our Olympic legacy to inspire other children to participate in sport and exercise to prepare for a healthy life. Overwhelming benefits of exercise are more clear, but with a third of overweight children age 11 disposal to promote sports in schools will help us to solve the problem of obesity in this country, "he said.
Find best price for : --Olympic----Scudamore----Richard----Media----Hunt----Jeremy----League----Premier----Tennis----Lawn----Union----Rugby----Football----Gove--

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Campaigners unite against secret courts

Over 100 lawyers and human rights activists and freedom of the press call on parliamentarians to reject the "closed material procedures An alliance of more than 100 human rights groups, lawyers and activists called free press MPs to vote against the government's plans for "secret tribunals" - calling them "of letter cover-up "seriously undermine the principles of British justice.

In a letter to the


the group says it is "deeply concerned" for the purposes of justice and security to the parameter "open and accessible justice" and insists that he is a threat to the right to a fair trial and the rule of law.

MEPs will vote on the third reading of the bill that would expand the number of hearings to be held behind closed doors this week.


were involved in the controversy over a year on its plans to extend the so-called "closed material procedures" (CMP), which are heard in its entirety in private , civil law.

The proposals have been developed in close collaboration with the security services, they want evidence of terrorism and other sensitive cases are kept secret. Services argue that other countries stop information sharing with Britain if the information is heard in public session.

secret court

plan has emerged as a direct result of the evidence that has emerged in the court to confirm the allegations that MI5 and MI6 knew of torture or inhuman and degrading part of the CIA terrorism suspects, including British citizens and residents, especially Binyam Mohamed.

While the former Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke, has put forward a series of amendments, they have failed to satisfy critics who say that the fundamental principles of British justice system are being in danger.

supporters plans to argue that the bill will prevent the need for costly government out of court settlements to prevent the evidence heard in public in cases of terrorism or other extremists.

วันศุกร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

วันเสาร์ที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

MoveTube: Pina Bausch's Bluebeard



criminal history Bart?k is a defining moment - full of dark themes, increasingly obsessed with his toxic

When Pina Bausch died in 2009, did not know if their job or their business would survive. So far, however, seems to be much more than cling. After the spectacular season with a duration of one month Tanztheater Wuppertal in London last summer, Sadler Wells said the company will continue to provide a platform for regular London. And taking into account the number of works created by Bausch space of four decades of his career, there should be no shortage of productions to revive.

two on stage this month from the intermediate phase and the end of the race Bausch - Two Cigarettes in the Dark (1985) and Vollmond (2006). Both are new to the UK. But the work that I am more optimistic view of the future is a production much before 1977 Bausch interpretation Castle Bart?k's opera Bluebeard.

There is a fully staged opera: the music is heard intermittently as the central male character switches to a recording of Bart?k and low back obsessive passages. Similarly, although the relationship between him and his criminal partner is obviously stuck in the story of Bluebeard and his late wife, Judith, is refracted through the many other dance couples. On a stage full of leaves, these victims love clump multiple failures by repeating the ritual abuse and self-humiliation, sometimes moan and cry, sometimes muttering words of arias recorded.

Men are, however, bowing abruptly mechanistic resemble characters from La Mesa Verde, expressionist ballet choreographed by Bausch choreography term mentor Kurt Joos. As these men are then in line (2.06), tiny gestures, grooming narcissistic anticipate alignments in a work like Kontakthof (1978) - but stripped of his pants terribly brilliant Mr. Universe pose (4 , 30) are also back to the pop art of the 1960s and early 1970s. Perhaps the most tantalizing fragment is the choral dance of women (8.40), which move with a classic and graceful body what would happen, but Bausch work until the last phase of his career.

Find best price for : --Bluebeard----Kurt----Bart?k----Vollmond----Wuppertal----Bausch----Pina--

วันพุธที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

วันจันทร์ที่ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Pope Benedict XVI resigns due to age and declining health

Pontiff, 85, who suffers from arthritis, said he will step down on February 28 after almost eight years at the head of the Catholic Church

Pope Benedict XVI to resign as head of the Catholic Church later this month, the Vatican announced.

The move, which came without warning, will be held on February 28 and leaving the papacy vacant until a successor is elected.

Benedict XVI, who became the 265th pope in 2005, has arthritis, especially in the knees, hips and ankles. He was flying to Brazil, the largest Catholic country in the world in July for a youth festival, but the concern was raised among observers of the Vatican as to whether it was good enough.

voluntary resignation of the pope is rare - and certainly in the last centuries. Pope Celestine V has exercised its right to abdicate in 1294.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2556